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Author Pick, M.; Pick, J.; Rahn, A.; Wolff, N.
Title Artgerechte Haltung von Pferden: Sachverständige Empfehlungen zur Pferdehaltung aus Sicht des Tierschutzes Type Book Whole
Year 2016 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher (down) Tredition GmbH Place of Publication Hamburg Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6616
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Author Niederhöfer, S.
Title Stressbelastung bei Pferden in Abhängigkeit des Haltungssystems Type Manuscript
Year 2009 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract Pferdegerechte Haltungssysteme spielen bei der heutigen Nutzung des Freizeit- oder Sportpartners Pferd eine wichtige Rolle, da naturnahe Haltungsbedingungen nur in seltenen Fällen zu realisieren sind. Sämtliche Aufstallungsformen müssen als Kompromiss angesehen werden und bieten somit Vor- und Nachteile. Die vorliegende Untersuchung verfolgte den Zweck, die Stressbelastung von Pferden in verschiedenen Haltungssystemen zu erfassen und vergleichend zu beurteilen. Während der von Mai 2006 bis Juli 2007 durchgeführten Versuche wurden 24 zwei- bis dreijährige Hannoveranerstuten für jeweils 4 Wochen in insgesamt 6 verschiedenen Haltungsformen aufgestallt. Die Haltungsvarianten beinhalteten die Einzelbox (Variante 1), die Einzelbox mit einem frei zugänglichem Paddock (Variante 2), die gemeinsame Haltung von zwei Pferden in zwei Boxen und einem angeschlossenen frei zugänglichem Auslauf (Variante 3) und die Gruppenhaltung von 6 Pferden in einer Mehrraumauslaufhaltung (Variante 4 – 6). Die Haltungsvariante 4 differierte von den Varianten 5 und 6 durch seinen ungegliederten Liegebereich. In den Variante 5 und 6 wurde der Liegebereich der Gruppenhaltung durch eine über die halbe Breite reichende Trennwand in zwei Bereiche unterteilt. Die Trennwand befand sich in Haltungsvariante 5 im rechten Winkel an die Außenwand grenzend, während sie in Variante 6 an der der Stallgasse zugewandten Seite des Liegebereichs aufgestellt wurde. Um eine Vergleichbarkeit mit einem Reitpferd zu schaffen, wurden alle Pferde in allen Haltungssystemen täglich für circa eine Stunde in einer Freilaufanlage bewegt. Die Stressbelastung wurde mittels der Messung der Herzfrequenzvariabilität (Parameter pNN50 und SD1) und der Bestimmung fäkaler Cortisolmetaboliten erfasst. Zusätzlich wurden Videoauswertungen hinsichtlich der Beobachtung von Verhaltensauffälligkeiten in den Haltungsvarianten 1 und 2 durchgeführt. Die durchschnittlich niedrigste Stressbelastung erfuhren die Pferde durch die Haltungsvarianten 4 (pNN50: 46,32 %, SD1:158,58 ms, Cortisolmetaboliten: 21,01nmol/kg Kot) und 6 (pNN50: 47,1 %, SD1: 144,62 ms, Cortisolmetaboliten: 21,01 nmol/kg Kot). Die


Auswertung der pNN50- und Cortisolmetabolitenwerte ergab die größte Stressbelastung der Pferde in den Varianten 1 (pNN50: 42,81 %, SD1: 134,52 ms, Cortisolmetaboliten: 28,56 nmol/kg Kot) und 3 (pNN50: 42,41 %, SD1: 135,36, Cortisolmetaboliten: 28,60 nmol/kg Kot). Die Auswertung der SD1-Werte zeigte zusätzlich noch eine hohe Stressbelastung der Pferde in der Variante 5 (pNN50: 44,83 %, SD1: 119,24 ms, Cortisolmetaboliten: 27,18 nmol/kg Kot). Die Haltungsvariante 2 (pNN50: 45,77 %, SD1: 144,25 ms, Cortisolmetaboliten: 27,59 nmol/kg Kot) beziehungsweise die Varianten 2 und 5 (bei der Betrachtung der pNN50- und der Cortisolmetabolitenwerte) verursachten im Durchschnitt eine mittlere Stressbelastung. Teilweise waren die Unterschiede jedoch zu gering um die Signifikanzgrenze zu überschreiten. Die Betrachtung der einzelnen Pferde und der Pferdegruppen ergab große interindividuelle Unterschiede und deutliche gruppenspezifische Gemeinsamkeiten. Die Position eines Tieres in der Rangordnung hatte in diesen Untersuchungen bei der Betrachtung der Mittelwerte keinen Einfluss auf die Stressbelastung in Abhängigkeit der Haltungsvariante. Vielmehr zeigten sich auch hier deutliche individuelle Unterschiede in der Stressanfälligkeit und den Vorlieben der einzelnen Pferde bezüglich der verschiedenen Haltungssysteme. Die Analyse der Videoaufzeichnungen ergab, dass mehrere Pferde Kreisbewegungen in der Einzelbox ohne Auslauf (Variante 1) zeigten, während in der Variante 2 (Paddockbox) kein Pferd durch Kreisbewegungen auffiel. Andere Verhaltensauffälligkeiten oder gar Verhaltensstörungen wurden nicht beobachtet. Bei der Auswertung der Aufenthaltshäufigkeit und der Aufenthaltesdauer in den 4 Boxenquadranten zeigten sich einige Pferde sehr aktiv, was ein Hinweis auf eventuelle Unruhe oder Nervosität sein kann, während andere Pferde im Vergleich zum Gruppendurchschnitt sehr ruhig wirkten, da sie sich in der Box kaum bewegten und über lange Zeitabschnitte in einem Quadranten standen. Obwohl die Gruppenhaltung für die Mehrzahl der Pferde eine geringere Stressbelastung bedeutete und auch hinsichtlich des Bewegungs- und Sozialverhaltens am artgerechtesten einzustufen ist, sollte für jedes Pferd individuell unter Berücksichtigung seines Alters, seiner Rasse, seines Nutzungsgrades, aber vor allem seines Charakters und seiner Erfahrungen im Sozialverhalten ein passendes großzügig bemessenes Haltungssystem ermittelt werden, um


die durch das Haltungssystem ausgeübte Stressbelastung zu minimieren und das Wohlbefinden der Pferde zu steigern.
Corporate Author Thesis Ph.D. thesis
Publisher (down) Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Place of Publication Hannover Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6607
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Author Boissy, A.
Title Fear and Fearfulness in Animals Type Journal Article
Year 1995 Publication The Quarterly Review of Biology Abbreviated Journal The Quarterly Review of Biology
Volume 70 Issue 2 Pages 165-191
Abstract Persistence of individual differences in animal behavior in reactions to various environmental challenges could reflect basic divergences in temperament, which might be used to predict details of adaptive response. Although studies have been carried out on fear and anxiety in various species, including laboratory, domestic and wild animals, no consistent definition of fearfulness as a basic trait of temperament has emerged. After a classification of the events that may produce a state of fear, this article describes the great variability in behavior and in physiological patterns generally associated with emotional reactivity. The difficulties of proposing fearfulness-the general capacity to react to a variety of potentially threatening situations-as a valid basic internal variable are then discussed. Although there are many studies showing covariation among the psychobiological responses to different environmental challenges, other studies find no such correlations and raise doubts about the interpretation of fearfulness as a basic personality trait. After a critical assessment of methodologies used in fear and anxiety studies, it is suggested that discrepancies among results are mainly due to the modulation of emotional responses in animals, which depend on numerous genetic and epigenetic factors. It is difficult to compare results obtained by different methods from animals reared under various conditions and with different genetic origins. The concept of fearfulness as an inner trait is best supported by two kinds of investigations. First, an experimental approach combining ethology and experimental psychology produces undeniable indicators of emotional reactivity. Second, genetic lines selected for psychobiological traits prove useful in establishing between behavioral and neuroendocrine aspects of emotional reactivity. It is suggested that fearfulness could be considered a basic feature of the temperament of each individual, one that predisposes it to respond similarly to a variety of potentially alarming challenges, but is nevertheless continually modulated during development by the interaction of genetic traits of reactivity with environmental factors, particularly in the juvenile period. Such interaction may explain much of the interindividual variability observed in adaptive responses.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher (down) The University of Chicago Press Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0033-5770 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes doi: 10.1086/418981 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6664
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Author Mech, L.D.
Title The Wolf: The Ecology and Behaviour of an Endangered Species Type Book Whole
Year 1970 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher (down) The Natural History Press, Garden City Place of Publication New York Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Mech1970 Serial 6480
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Author Burke, C.; Rashman, M.; Wich, S.; Symons, A.; Theron, C.; Longmore, S.
Title Optimizing observing strategies for monitoring animals using drone-mounted thermal infrared cameras Type Journal Article
Year 2019 Publication International Journal of Remote Sensing Abbreviated Journal International Journal of Remote Sensing
Volume 40 Issue 2 Pages 439-467
Abstract ABSTRACTThe proliferation of relatively affordable off-the-shelf drones offers great opportunities for wildlife monitoring and conservation. Similarly the recent reduction in the cost of thermal infrared cameras also offers new promise in this field, as they have the advantage over conventional RGB cameras of being able to distinguish animals based on their body heat and being able to detect animals at night. However, the use of drone-mounted thermal infrared cameras comes with several technical challenges. In this article, we address some of these issues, namely thermal contrast problems due to heat from the ground, absorption and emission of thermal infrared radiation by the atmosphere, obscuration by vegetation, and optimizing the flying height of drones for a best balance between covering a large area and being able to accurately image and identify animals of interest. We demonstrate the application of these methods with a case study using field data and make the first ever detection of the critically endangered riverine rabbit (Bunolagus monticularis) in thermal infrared data. We provide a web-tool so that the community can easily apply these techniques to other studies (http://www.astro.ljmu.ac.uk/aricburk/uav_calc/).
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher (down) Taylor & Francis Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0143-1161 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes doi: 10.1080/01431161.2018.1558372 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6528
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Author Dunbar, R.I.M.
Title The social brain hypothesis and its implications for social evolution Type Journal Article
Year 2009 Publication Annals of Human Biology Abbreviated Journal Annals of Human Biology
Volume 36 Issue 5 Pages 562-572
Abstract The social brain hypothesis was proposed as an explanation for the fact that primates have unusually large brains for body size compared to all other vertebrates: Primates evolved large brains to manage their unusually complex social systems. Although this proposal has been generalized to all vertebrate taxa as an explanation for brain evolution, recent analyses suggest that the social brain hypothesis takes a very different form in other mammals and birds than it does in anthropoid primates. In primates, there is a quantitative relationship between brain size and social group size (group size is a monotonic function of brain size), presumably because the cognitive demands of sociality place a constraint on the number of individuals that can be maintained in a coherent group. In other mammals and birds, the relationship is a qualitative one: Large brains are associated with categorical differences in mating system, with species that have pairbonded mating systems having the largest brains. It seems that anthropoid primates may have generalized the bonding processes that characterize monogamous pairbonds to other non-reproductive relationships (?friendships?), thereby giving rise to the quantitative relationship between group size and brain size that we find in this taxon. This raises issues about why bonded relationships are cognitively so demanding (and, indeed, raises questions about what a bonded relationship actually is), and when and why primates undertook this change in social style.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher (down) Taylor & Francis Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0301-4460 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes doi: 10.1080/03014460902960289 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6546
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Author Meriggi, A.; Dagradi, V.; Dondina, O.; Perversi, M.; Milanesi, P.; Lombardini, M.; Raviglione, S.; Repossi, A.
Title Short-term responses of wolf feeding habits to changes of wild and domestic ungulate abundance in Northern Italy Type Journal Article
Year 2014 Publication Ethology Ecology & Evolution Abbreviated Journal Ethology Ecology & Evolution
Volume 27 Issue 4 Pages 389-411
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher (down) Taylor & Francis Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0394-9370 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes doi: 10.1080/03949370.2014.986768 Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6688
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Author Kruska, D.
Title Mammalian domestication and its effect on brain structure and behavior Type Book Chapter
Year 1988 Publication Intelligence and Evolutionary Biology Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher (down) Springer-Verlag Place of Publication New York Editor Jerison, H.J.; Jerison, I.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Kruska1988 Serial 6232
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Author Ruid, D.B.; Paul, W.J.; Roell, B.J.; Wydeven, A.P.; Willging, R.C.; Jurewicz, R.L.; Lonsway, D.H.
Title Wolf-Human Conflicts and Management in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan Type Book Chapter
Year 2009 Publication Recovery of Gray Wolves in the Great Lakes Region of the United States: An Endangered Species Success Story Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages 279-295
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher (down) Springer New York Place of Publication New York, NY Editor Wydeven, A.P.; Van Deelen, T.R.; Heske, E.J.
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN ISBN 978-0-387-85952-1 Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Ruid2009 Serial 6577
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Author Baragli, P.; Vitale, V.; Paoletti, E.; Sighieri, C.; Reddon, A.R.
Title Detour behaviour in horses (Equus caballus) Type Journal Article
Year 2011 Publication Journal of Ethology Abbreviated Journal J. Ethol.
Volume 29 Issue 2 Pages 227-234
Keywords Detour behaviour; Equus caballus; Horses; Lateralization; Spatial reasoning
Abstract The objective of this study was to investigate the ability of horses (Equus caballus) to detour around symmetric and asymmetric obstacles. Ten female Italian saddle horses were each used in three detour tasks. In the first task, the ability to detour around a symmetrical obstacle was evaluated; in the second and third tasks subjects were required to perform a detour around an asymmetrical obstacle with two different degrees of asymmetry. The direction chosen to move around the obstacle and time required to make the detour were recorded. The results suggest that horses have the spatial abilities required to perform detour tasks with both symmetric and asymmetric obstacles. The strategy used to perform the task varied between subjects. For five horses, lateralized behaviour was observed when detouring the obstacle; this was consistently in one direction (three on the left and two on the right). For these horses, no evidence of spatial learning or reasoning was found. The other five horses did not solve this task in a lateralized manner, and a trend towards decreasing lateralization was observed as asymmetry, and hence task difficulty, increased. These non-lateralized horses may have higher spatial reasoning abilities.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher (down) Springer Japan Place of Publication Editor
Language English Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0289-0771 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 5686
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