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Author Leiner, L.
Title Vergleich verschiedener Methoden zur Angstextinktion bei Pferden Type Manuscript
Year 2006 Publication Abbreviated Journal
Volume Issue Pages
Abstract Pferde sind Fluchttiere. Ihr Fluchtinstinkt bewirkt, dass sie sich leicht erschrecken und auch in

diversen Situationen mit Flucht reagieren. Diese Tatsache ist den meisten Reitern bekannt,

nur ist es für den Menschen teilweise schwer, mit dieser Eigenschaft auszukommen und sie zu

verstehen oder gar nachzuvollziehen. So kommt es häufig zu Unfällen, die aus der Angst der

Pferde resultieren, jedoch vermeidbar gewesen wären, hätte man ankündigende Signale früher

erkannt. Des Weiteren kann die Angst eines Pferdes auch durch eine (Ver-) Weigerung,

bestimmte Dinge zu tun, sichtbar werden. Diese Weigerung wird in der Reiterei gerne als

„Bockigkeit“ und „Ungehorsam“ des Pferdes interpretiert und führt nicht selten zu einer

Bestrafung. Insgesamt kann man sagen, dass angstauslösende Reize und die Reaktionen des

Pferdes darauf oft falsch eingeschätzt oder falsch interpretiert werden und in der Folge auch

falsch damit umgegangen wird. Ein Grund dafür ist sicher das fehlende Wissen über das

Verhalten des Pferdes. Mit der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit soll ein Beitrag geleistet werden,

das Pferd in seinem Angstverhalten besser zu verstehen. Ziel der Arbeit war es, das Verhalten

des Pferdes bei verschiedenen Intensitäten von Angst zu untersuchen. Des Weiteren wurden

Methoden untersucht, mit denen man die Angst von Pferden vor bestimmten Reizen und

Situationen potentiell lindern kann, was letztendlich auch der Unfallvorbeugung dient.

Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit wurde am Haupt- und Landesgestüt Marbach durchgeführt; 24

Junghengste standen hierfür zur Verfügung. Darunter waren 18 Deutsche Warmblüter, 3

Vollblutaraber und 3 Schwarzwälder Füchse (Kaltblüter), somit war auch ein Rassenvergleich


In einem ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde untersucht, wie sich Angst bei Pferden äußert. Hierfür

wurde ausgenutzt, dass Pferde ganz generell vor unbekannten, neuen Gegenständen Angst

haben (= Neophobie). Zur Angstauslösung dienten als Konfrontationsgegenstände ein

Sonnenschirm und eine Plastikplane. Beide Gegenstände waren für die Testpferde unbekannt.

Das Verhalten sowie die Herzrate der Tiere wurden während aller Versuche beobachtet und

quantifiziert. Nacheiner ersten Konfrontation wurden die Pferde an die Objekte gewöhnt

(Extinktionstraining = Angstlöschung) und beobachtet welche Verhaltensymptome sich

während dieser Gewöhnung (= Verlust der Neophobie) verändern. Die Hypothese war, dass

tatsächliche Angstsymptome während der Gewöhnung immer seltener zu beobachten sind.

Zusammenfassung III

Als Verhaltensweisen für Angst konnten Ausweichbewegungen und Flucht, Lautäußerungen

(Prusten und Schnauben), das Anspannen der Halsmuskulatur sowie das Vordrücken der

Oberlippe identifiziert werden. Darüber hinaus wurde gezeigt, dass Abstufungen im

Angstverhalten möglich sind: Bei sehr hohem Angstlevel sind Fluchtreaktionen zu

beobachten. Bei mittlerem Angstlevel treten Ausweichbewegungen im Schritt und

Lautäußerungen (Prusten und Schnauben) auf, bei geringem Angstlevel wird die

Halsmuskulatur angespannt und die Oberlippe vorgedrückt.

Im Zweiten Teil der Arbeit sollten verschiedene Methoden zur Angst-Extinktionauf ihre

Wirksamkeit hin untersucht werden. Verwendet wurde in verschiedenen Testgruppen die

Methode der Desensibilisierung (d.h. leichte, schrittweise stärker werdende Exposition

gegenüber dem angstauslösenden Reiz), die Desensibilisierung mit Gegenkonditionierung

(positive Verstärkung) durch Streicheln bzw. Reiben des Halses und die Desensibilisierung

mit Gegenkonditionierung durch Futterbelohnung. Als Kontrollgruppe dienten Pferde, die

ohne eine Konfrontation mit dem angstauslösenden Reiz nur über den Versuchplatz geführt


Während des Extinktionstrainings konnte beobachtet werden, dass die Desensibilisierung mit

Gegenkonditionierung zu einer schnelleren Extinktion führt als ohne Gegenkonditionierung.

Allerdings zeigte ein Vergleich mit der Kontrollgruppe, die das Extinktionstraining nicht

erfahren hatte, den gleichen Verlust an Angstverhalten wie die Gruppen mit Extinktionstraining.

Dieses Ergebnis wurde so interpretiert, dass die wiederholte Exposition gegenüber

angstauslösenden Reizen bei den durchgeführten Verhaltenstests zwar eine Rolle spielt, doch

dass auch allein die Beschäftigung mit den Tieren zu einem Verlust von Angstverhalten führt

(wahrscheinlich auch aufgrund eines wachsenden Vertrauens zur Führperson, die über das

komplette Experiment hin die Gleiche blieb).
Corporate Author Thesis Diploma thesis
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Area Expedition Conference
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Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6205
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Author Kiliç, S.; Cantürk, G.
Title Car Accident Due to Horse Crossing the Motorway: Two Case Reports Type Journal Article
Year 2017 Publication The Bulletin of Legal Medicine Abbreviated Journal Bull. Leg. Med.
Volume 22 Issue Pages
Keywords animal vehicle collision, death, disability, horse, injury, motorway
Abstract Basic Commercial Court in Ankara wanted a report from our department of forensic medicine about two injury cases due to animal vehicle collision. The reports should include the disability rate and the duration of unfunctionality. After the examination we prepared the reports. Both vehicle collisions happened due to free ranging horse crossing the motorway. Both cases had different types of injury due to trauma. Vehicle collision due to horse crossing the motorway is rarely met in Turkey.

Our first case is a man that had upper extremity and facial injury. He uses prothesis due to ear amputation. He has a scar tissue on the right side of his face and left forearm. The other case is three-years-old boy that had cranial bone fracture and cranial hematoma. He has also hemiparesis of the right side of body. Both cases have neurologic sequels but they have no psychiatric sequels.

In literature, animal vehicle collisions involve lots of animal species such as kangaroo, deer, camel and moose. Animal vehicle collision involving the horses is rarely met. Forensic medicine specialists should state the causal link between traumatic events and disabilities in order to help justice. Our aim to present the current two cases is investigation of injuries of animal related collision and makes forensic medicine specialists pay attention to the subject of preparing reports about such cases.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6206
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Author Schwenk, B.K.; Fürst, A.E.; Bischhofberger, A.S.
Title Traffic accident-related injuries in horses Type Journal Article
Year 2016 Publication Pferdeheilkunde – Equine Medicine Abbreviated Journal Equine Med.
Volume 32 Issue 3 Pages 192-199
Keywords traffic / horse / injury / body site / accident / trauma
Abstract Horses involved in road traffic accidents (RTAs) are commonly presented to veterinarians with varying types of injuries. The aim

of this study was describe the pattern and severity of traffic accident-related injuries in horses in a single hospital population. Medical

records of horses either hit by a motorized vehicle or involved in RTAs whilst being transported from 1993 to 2015 were retrospectively

reviewed and the following data was extracted: Signalement, hospitalisation time, month in which the accident happened, cause of the

accident, place of the accident and type of vehicle hitting the horse. Further the different body sites injured (head, neck, breast, fore limb,

abdomen, back and spine, pelvis and ileosacral region, hind limb, tail and genital region), the type of injury (wounds, musculoskeletal

lesions and internal lesions) and the presence of neurological signs were retrieved from the medical records. 34 horses hit by motorized

vehicles and 13 horses involved in RTAs whilst being transported were included in the study. Most of the accidents where horses were hit

by motorized vehicles occurred during December (14.7%) and October (14.7%), horses were most commonly hit by cars (85.3%) and the

majority of accidents occurred on main roads (26.5%). In 29.4% of the cases, horses had escaped from their paddock and then collided

with a motorized vehicle. Most of the accidents with horses involved in RTAs whilst being transported occurred during April (30.8%) and

June (23.1%). In 76.9% of the cases the accident happened on a freeway. In the horses hit by motorized vehicles the proximal hind limbs

were the body site most commonly affected (44.1%), followed by the proximal front limbs (38.2%) and the head (32.4%). When horses

were involved in RTAs whilst being transported the proximal fore limbs (61.5%), the proximal hind limbs (53.8%) and the distal hind limbs,

back and head (38.5% each) were the most common injured body sites. Wounds were the most common type of injury in both groups

(85.3% hit by motorized vehicle, 76.9% transported ones). In horses hit by a motorized vehicle 35.3% suffered from fractures, in 20.6%

a synovial structure was involved and in 5.9% a tendon lesion was present. 14.7% suffered from internal lesions and 14.7% showed neurologic

symptoms (40% peripheral, 60% central neurologic deficits). On the other hand, in horses involved in a RTA whilst being transported

30.8% suffered from fractures. There were no synovial structures injured and no tendon injuries were present. Furthermore there were

no internal lesions present and only one horse involved in a RTA showed central neurologic symptoms. Injuries of horses being hit by a

motorized vehicle were more severe than when horses were protected by a trailer and involved in a RTA whilst being transported. The study

has been able to identify the different injury types of traffic accident-related injuries in horses. Awareness of the nature of these injuries is

important, to avoid underestimation of their severity.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6207
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Author Petersen, J.L.; Mickelson, J.R.; Cothran, E.G.; Andersson, L.S.; Axelsson, J.; Bailey, E.; Bannasch, D.; Binns, M.M.; Borges, A.S.; Brama, P.; da Câmara Machado, A.; Distl, O.; Felicetti, M.; Fox-Clipsham, L.; Graves, K.T.; Guérin, G.; Haase, B.; Hasegawa, T.; Hemmann, K.; Hill, E.W.; Leeb, T.; Lindgren, G.; Lohi, H.; Lopes, M.S.; McGivney, B.A.; Mikko, S.; Orr, N.; Penedo, M.C.T.; Piercy, R.J.; Raekallio, M.; Rieder, S.; Røed, K.H.; Silvestrelli, M.; Swinburne, J.; Tozaki, T.; Vaudin, M.; M. Wade, C.; McCue, M.E.
Title Genetic Diversity in the Modern Horse Illustrated from Genome-Wide SNP Data Type Journal Article
Year 2013 Publication Plos One Abbreviated Journal Plos One
Volume 8 Issue 1 Pages e54997
Abstract Horses were domesticated from the Eurasian steppes 5,000-6,000 years ago. Since then, the use of horses for transportation, warfare, and agriculture, as well as selection for desired traits and fitness, has resulted in diverse populations distributed across the world, many of which have become or are in the process of becoming formally organized into closed, breeding populations (breeds). This report describes the use of a genome-wide set of autosomal SNPs and 814 horses from 36 breeds to provide the first detailed description of equine breed diversity. FST calculations, parsimony, and distance analysis demonstrated relationships among the breeds that largely reflect geographic origins and known breed histories. Low levels of population divergence were observed between breeds that are relatively early on in the process of breed development, and between those with high levels of within-breed diversity, whether due to large population size, ongoing outcrossing, or large within-breed phenotypic diversity. Populations with low within-breed diversity included those which have experienced population bottlenecks, have been under intense selective pressure, or are closed populations with long breed histories. These results provide new insights into the relationships among and the diversity within breeds of horses. In addition these results will facilitate future genome-wide association studies and investigations into genomic targets of selection.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Public Library of Science Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6214
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Author Pirault, P.; Danvy, S.; Verrier, E.; Leroy, G.
Title Genetic Structure and Gene Flows within Horses: A Genealogical Study at the French Population Scale Type Journal Article
Year 2013 Publication Plos One Abbreviated Journal Plos One
Volume 8 Issue 4 Pages e61544
Abstract Since horse breeds constitute populations submitted to variable and multiple outcrossing events, we analyzed the genetic structure and gene flows considering horses raised in France. We used genealogical data, with a reference population of 547,620 horses born in France between 2002 and 2011, grouped according to 55 breed origins. On average, individuals had 6.3 equivalent generations known. Considering different population levels, fixation index decreased from an overall species FIT of 1.37%, to an average of -0.07% when considering the 55 origins, showing that most horse breeds constitute populations without genetic structure. We illustrate the complexity of gene flows existing among horse breeds, a few populations being closed to foreign influence, most, however, being submitted to various levels of introgression. In particular, Thoroughbred and Arab breeds are largely used as introgression sources, since those two populations explain together 26% of founder origins within the overall horse population. When compared with molecular data, breeds with a small level of coancestry also showed low genetic distance; the gene pool of the breeds was probably impacted by their reproducer exchanges.
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Public Library of Science Place of Publication Editor
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Serial 6215
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Author Pérez-Barbería, F.J.; Shultz, S.; Dunbar, R.I.
Title Evidence for coevolution of sociality and relative brain size in three orders of mammals Type Journal Article
Year 2007 Publication Evolution Abbreviated Journal
Volume 61 Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Pérez-Barbería2007 Serial 6221
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Author Van Schaik, C.P.; Burkart, J.M.
Title Social learning and evolution: the cultural intelligence hypothesis Type Journal Article
Year 2011 Publication Philos Trans R Soc B Abbreviated Journal
Volume 366 Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Van Schaik2011 Serial 6227
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Author Heyes, C.
Title What's social about social learning? Type Journal Article
Year 2012 Publication J Comp Psychol Abbreviated Journal
Volume 120 Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Heyes2012 Serial 6228
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Author Van Horik, J.; Emery, N.
Title Evolution of cognition Type Journal Article
Year 2011 Publication Wiley Interdiscip Rev Cogn Sci Abbreviated Journal
Volume 2 Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Van Horik2011 Serial 6230
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Author Shettleworth, S.J.
Title The evolution of comparative cognition: is the snark still a Boojum? Type Journal Article
Year 2009 Publication Behav Processes Abbreviated Journal
Volume 80 Issue Pages
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN (up) ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Equine Behaviour @ team @ Shettleworth2009 Serial 6231
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