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Hoffmann R,. Gruppentypen und die zugrunde liegenden Verhaltensmechanismen bei Equiden..
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Hoffmann R,. (1983). Social organization patterns of several Feral horse and Feral ass populations in Central Australia. Z Säugetierk, 48, 124–126.
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Hoffmann R,. (1983). The development of social behavior in immature males of a feral horse population. Diss Tübingen, .
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Hoffmann R,. (1985). On the development of scial behaviour in immature males of a feral horse population. Z Säugetierk, 50, 302–314.
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Hoffstetter R,. (1951). La structure des incisives infürieuses chez les équides modernes. Importance dans la classification des zébres couaggas. Bull Mus Hist Nat, 22, 684–692.
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HOGAN ES et al,. (1988). The effect of enclosure size on sozial interactions and daily activity patterns of the captive asiatic wild horse. Appl Anim Behav Sci, 21, 147–168.
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HOLLISTER N. (). Order Perissodactyla family Equidae.,. E Afr Mammals in Nat Mus Part III, Part III, 133–135.
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Holzapfel M,. (1939). Über Bewegungsstereotypien bei gehaltenen Säugern. Z. Tierpsychol., 2.
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Hontang M,. Psychologie du Cheval. Payot, Paris, .
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Hooijer Da,. (). Observation on a calvarium of Eqqus sivalensis falconer et cautley from the siwaliks of the Punjab, with carniometrical notes on recent Equidae. Arch Neer Zool, 8, 243–266.
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