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  Author Title Year Publication Serial Volume Pages Links
Passilongo, D.; Mattioli, L.; Bassi, E.; Szabó, L.; Apollonio, M. Visualizing sound: counting wolves by using a spectral view of the chorus howling 2015 Frontiers in Zoology 6498 12 22 details   doi
Briefer, E.F.; Haque, S.; Baciadonna, L.; McElligott, A.G. Goats excel at learning and remembering a highly novel cognitive task 2014 Frontiers in Zoology 6376 11 20 details   doi
GONÇALVES DA SILVA, A.; CAMPOS-ARCEIZ, A.; ZAVADA, M.S. On tapir ecology, evolution and conservation: what we know and future perspectives–part II 2013 Integrative Zoology 6141 8 1-3 details   doi
Briefer, E.F.; Mandel, R.; Maigrot, A.-L.; Briefer Freymond, S.; Bachmann, I.; Hillmann, E. Perception of emotional valence in horse whinnies 2017 Frontiers in Zoology 6049 14 8 details   doi
Leadbeater, E. What evolves in the evolution of social learning? 2015 Journal of Zoology 6015 295 4-11 details   doi
Kaiser, S.; Hennessy, M.B.; Sachser, N. Domestication affects the structure, development and stability of biobehavioural profiles 2015 Frontiers in Zoology 5975 12 1-11 details   doi
Sigurjonsdottir, H.; Thorhallsdottir, A.; Hafthorsdottir, H.; Granquist S. The Behaviour of Stallions in a Semiferal Herd in Iceland: Time Budgets, Home Ranges, and Interactions 2012 International Journal of Zoology 5823 2012 details   doi
Larsson, M. The optic chiasm: a turning point in the evolution of eye/hand coordination 2013 Frontiers in Zoology 5685 10 41 details   doi
Mace, G.M.; Harvey, P.H.; Clutton-Brock, T.H. Brain size and ecology in small mammals 1981 Journal of Zoology 5455 193 333-354 details   doi
Clutton-Brock, T.H.; Harvey, P.H. Primates, brains and ecology 1980 Journal of Zoology 5451 190 309-323 details   doi
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